Georgia Council 
of Teachers of English

Call for Applications: Ellis Teacher Candidate Award

GCTE invites applications for the annual W. Geiger Ellis Teacher Candidate Award. For twenty-four years, “Guy” Ellis taught for the University of Georgia’s Department of Language Education and prepared hundreds of ELA teachers for the profession. As a valued GCTE board member, Ellis organized numerous GCTE conferences. This $1000 award honors Dr. Ellis’s legacy in spring-boarding outstanding Georgia preservice ELA teachers toward their careers and their involvement in GCTE. Eligible applicants include preservice teachers in Georgia's traditional teacher education programs and teachers enrolled in Georgia's alternative teacher preparation programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are official transcripts required for the application package?
    Unofficial transcripts are acceptable for the initial round of competition. Finalists may be asked to provide official transcripts.

  2. Am I required to be enrolled in my final student-teaching experience?
    Because teacher preparation programs differ, with some involving multiple field placements at various stages of the program, it is not required that candidates be enrolled in their final semesters/terms of a program. However, some field placement experience, either through a university course or through employment in a school, is required.

  3. Must applicants be preparing to teach at the secondary school level, or can they be at middle grades or elementary levels?
    This award recognizes teachers of English language arts at the K-12 levels. Teacher candidates pursuing elementary certification should submit materials that highlight the development of their literacy instruction knowledge and skills. Teacher candidates pursuing middle grades certification should submit materials that document English language arts as one subject matter concentration as well as materials to highlight their knowledge of and instruction in English language arts. Teacher candidates pursuing ESOL certification are also eligible to apply. 

  4. What does it mean to submit letters of recommendation from two different academic/professional development units?
    The awards committee would like to see a breadth of evidence supporting the application as well as varied perspectives on the candidate’s work and progress. Letters from two different units increase the chances of providing varied forms of evidence. Examples of academic/professional development units include (but aren’t limited to)  a college/university department in an ELA discipline (English, literature, writing, communications, etc.), a college/university department of teacher education, a Georgia K-12 school, Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy (GTaPP), or a Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA).

  5. I am approaching my final semester of my degree program, and the GCTE conference takes place in the middle of a semester. How can the funds apply to my tuition retroactively?
    The Ellis Award is a cash award, not a scholarship. The funds do not channel through the award winner’s university scholarship account. Instead, the award recipient receives the funds directly from GCTE. That way, the award recipient can use the funds for tuition, fees, books, travel to field placements, professional attire, certification tests or other expenses relevant to earning a certificate or starting the teaching career.

  6. If I am selected for this award, must I attend the GCTE annual conference to receive the award?

Application packages should be submitted in .pdf format as one document with a filename that includes the applicant’s full name and the term ellis award application (Example: patdoe_ellisawardapplication.pdf). Applicants should attach their .pdf application packages to an email message with the subject heading Geiger Ellis Scholarship and submit all materials to Incomplete applications will not be considered. 

Application deadline: October 20, 2024

For more information about GCTE, please contact Jennifer Dail.
For more information about this website, please contact Darren Crovitz.
For more information about our annual conference, please contact Noah Brewer or Marsha French.
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