GCTE Teacher Minigrant Proposal Form (requires a gmail account)
GCTE offers minigrants to members to help fund classroom and education projects that will enhance the teaching of English language arts in grades K-12.
Deadline for the 2024 Minigrant is December 15, 2024.
GCTE wants to fund special projects that will boost learning for students and offer innovative ways to address the K-12 ELA curriculum. Project ideas are limited only by your imagination. Grants vary from $50 to $500 and will support plans that are innovative and student-centered. Proposals must demonstrate potential for improvement in the K-12 ELA curriculum/classroom and have a direct impact on K-12 students. Grants should be used to fund student projects that may include the purchase of supplies, digital tools, or software; field trips; community outreach; books, etc.
Grant Proposals Must Contain:
Contact info – your name, grade and ability levels you teach, school, school district, home phone #, your email address, your principal's name and email address.
Rationale – A detailed description of the proposed project (500-1,000 words) that includes the number of students that will be impacted.
Procedures – Plans for implementation, including timeline (about 500 words).
Goals – How students will benefit from the project.
Assessment – Assessments used to determine if you have met your goals.
Research Base – A brief description of the theory or scholarship that supports the project. This might include articles from professional journals or texts and/or presentations at professional conferences.
Beginning and completion dates
Amount sought and itemized budget
* Applicants must be current GCTE members. If you are not a member, please join!
* Proposals must demonstrate impact on students in grades K-12.
* Winning applicants must share their projects at the GCTE conference and in Scribbles 'N Bits the year following the award.
* A final report summarizing the grant project and receipts for all grant expenditures must be submitted by Sept. 1, 2025.
* Applicants can only receive one grant per year and a maximum of two grants in a five-year period.
* Grants must be the original work of the applicant(s).
Expectations for Recipients:
Grant recipients will receive notification of their award by January 1, 2025 and will be announced at the GCTE conference. Grant monies must be used by Sept. 1, 2025. Recipients will be expected to write up a narrative describing their project for Scribbles 'N Bits and submit a proposal to present information about the project at the 2025 GCTE conference.
Suggested Procedure
Grant proposals are submitted through Google Forms; however, we recommend that interested applicants write their proposal in a Word Doc and then copy and paste the required information into the form. Priority will be given to detailed applications with a theory-backed rationale.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Dec. 15, 2024.
Please direct questions related to the minigrants to Amanda Montgomery - amonty0909@gmail.com